How to forget an impossible love: our best advice

You can be attracted to a person without ending up in a romantic relationship. It’s not easy, but you often have to make up your mind and move forward. Discover our best tips for letting go of someone you have feelings for.

Human relationships, especially romantic ones, can sometimes be quite complex. You can be infatuated with a person in a short time, to the point of becoming obsessed. Unfortunately, this does not always result in a stable relationship . The reasons can be diverse: already in a relationship, fear of commitment or even unreciprocated feelings. Even if it is not easy, you must take control of the situation to try to forget it.

How do you get someone out of your head?

Intense feelings may direct most of your thoughts toward that person. To regain control of your emotions, follow these steps:

● Admit your situation so you can begin to confront it.

● List in writing the reasons why you need to forget this person.

● Delete your messages, your photos, even if it is very hard.

● Take some time for yourself, fill your schedule as much as possible (dinners with friends, sports, artistic activities, etc.).

So do a reset first before trying to get busy to take your mind off things. While this process helps you greatly, time remains your best ally.

How do we break away from someone we’re in love with?

By deciding to break away from a person you are in love with, you have taken the most difficult step: admitting the necessity.

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The distance must be gradual, you cannot leave everything behind overnight. You might “dive back” in a while. Some tips for passing this test smoothly:

● Space out your communications, whether written or oral.

● Think of yourself first, don’t always be available.

● Avoid being around or crossing paths with the person as much as possible, even if you have to change your habits.

● Discuss it with someone you trust.

● Go out with your friends, keep yourself busy and think about something else.

● Sign up on a dating site . Chatting with interesting people helps you put your situation into perspective.

Why can’t I forget someone?

If you can’t forget someone, maybe you haven’t fully decided to do so. This decision-making, as difficult as it may be, must be clear and frank. You will have to start changing certain habits to gradually get her out of your head. Here are some actions preventing you from getting out of this situation :

● You regularly reread his messages, look at his photos.

● You continue to talk to him, even about trivial things.

● You did not commit orally or in writing to forget it.

● You hope for a change from him.

● You have not admitted the reasons leading you to want to change your state of mind.

How can we forget someone we are in love with?

To move away from someone you have feelings for, you need to start by identifying the motivations leading you to this action. They are unique to you, don’t blame yourself. Your well-being and your mental health are your priorities.

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Here are some ideas to help you in your approach:

● Delete your message interactions, your photos together.

● Ask someone close to you for outside advice on your relationship.

● Immerse yourself in your passions, your hobbies.

● Don’t compare your situation with that of others.

● Don’t be afraid of being single.

● Be proud of your decision to put your well-being first.

By admitting your need to move away from an impossible love, you are taking a big step towards appeasement. Taking time for yourself, meeting new people, getting out of your comfort zone will help you get through this difficult stage.

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